Help Out Your Neighbors During the Holidays

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The holidays are a time for gift-giving and overall generosity. Here are a few ideas for how to help out your neighbors.

  1. Car Troubles – Car troubles are among the most inconvenient, preventing people from getting to work or causing general frustration for drivers due to cold weather. Help by offering to dig cars out of snow or if someone is stuck on an icy road and can't move their vehicle, pour salt on the area and help them push their car out.
  2. Donate Time or Items – If you're feeling charitable, donate some of your time to help out local charity organizations in your community. Donate items you no longer need like that old computer or gently used clothing.
  3. Holiday Cards – Mailmen, trash collectors and others with government jobs aren't often seen, let alone given appreciation for their services. A nice thing you can do for them is leave them a holiday "Thank You" card or some treats.
  4. Adopt a Family – If you belong to a church or another group in your community, adopt a family that's experiencing hardships. Whether they're suffering financially and emotionally from a tragic loss, or struggling with health crises, you can do your part to help them by encouraging fund-raising and gift-giving in the community.


These are simply some of the ways you can help your neighbors and your community during the holidays, and make the season better for those around you.

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