The Best Emergency Foods to Have on Hand This Winter

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The All-State spokesman wasn’t lying; life comes at you fast. If a surprise blizzard has you snowed in, you can worry about missing work, school, or having your car turned into an icebox later—what you need to worry about now is food. The pizza man doesn’t deliver during ice storms, so it’s important to make sure you and your family have enough emergency food to keep you healthy and happy until the seasonal storm passes, with a bit extra in case a friend came to visit just as the surprise weather struck.

Emergency food isn’t just extra granola bars or a collection of microwavable fast food; your stockpile has to last, has to replenish your energy during the stressful time, and most of all, has to keep you healthy. We’ve compiled a list of the best survivalist-tested favorites when it comes to stocking your cupboards, based on how well it stores, how nutritious it is for you, and its cost effectiveness.

1. Brown Rice

Brown rice is rich in carbohydrates and iron. Its designed to give your body that boost of strength it needs to take on difficult tasks and muscle through the stress of a disaster, but most importantly, it provides all the essential nutrients to keep you functioning healthily over a long period of time. While quick-make rice may be easier to prepare, its shelf life is much shorter, and no one wants food poisoning in an emergency situation. Instead, to save time, water, and gas, stock up on “brown rice hot cereal,” which cooks faster and still holds all the nutrients you need.

2. Pasta

Carbs are the name of the game when it comes to waiting out disaster, and pasta has plenty. It’s easily stored and inexpensive to buy, allowing you to stockpile on a few dozen bags and have confidence you’ll be not only healthy but comfortable in the coming days or weeks. You can match this with some perishables in your kitchen, such as beef, to make spaghetti, or when supplies get low, pair it with canned tomato juice as sauce. In the end, there’s always eating it straight with a little salt; not gourmet, but healthy and tasty.

3. Canned food

Post-apocalyptic movies had the right idea; when in doubt, trust canned products. Something that would traditionally spoil in a few days or weeks can last up to five years when canned, and canned foods can be purchased for just a few cents— even less when bought in bulk. Pay attention to the expiration date when it comes to high-acid foods such as tomatoes, as those may surprise sour before your canned vegetables or meats, but you can still enjoy juicy peaches, protein-rich chicken, or tuna loaded with vitamin B, even in a bad situation.

4. Nuts

Pick your favorite—almonds, cashews, peanuts—and buy enough cans to last you, and the members of your household, for at least a month. Nuts are packed with protein, fatty acids for your brain and heart, and essential vitamins, making them the perfect food for growing children, and also for adults waiting out a disaster. You’ll need your wits about you, and nuts fuel the brain to keep your senses clear. They have a shelf life of over a year when refrigerated, and though they’re the more expensive option when bought individually, they offer the greatest amount of essential energy you’ll need.

5. Powdered Milk

You may not be a big fan of milk, or dislike powdered milk’s taste, but in an emergency that spans several days or even a few weeks, your milk is the first thing to sour. You need calcium. To stay healthy, to keep growing kids growing strong during the disaster, or to help recover from any minor or major injuries you may have occurred within your bones, a glass of powdered milk offers the boost of calcium you need to stay strong and recover. Milk is also wholesome enough to curb hunger, meaning a few sips can kill the cravings that may otherwise have you weeding down your rations out of stress.

Be Prepared

By being prepared, you can keep yourself and your family healthy and safe until the danger passes. All it takes is adding a few items to your shopping list, dropping a few dozen dollars one time only, throwing it all in the back of your cupboards, and forgetting about it. It’ll be there when you need it. While you’re at it, learn 6 Ways to Stay Warm in Your Rental This Winter, so if your power goes out, you can still stay toasty until the storm passes.


Reposted from ForRent:



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